Nanzan University Publisher Description

Nanzan University is a private university located in Nagoya, a city in central Japan. Founded in 1949 as part of the Nanzan School Corporation, the university promotes higher education especially in the Humanities and Social Sciences following its motto "Hominis Dignitati," "For the Dignity of Humankind." Since its foundation the university has placed special emphasis on the study of cultures and societies. To that purpose it has established its Anthropological Institute. The Institute promotes the study of culture with a special interest in religious traditions. The main focus of its research activities was originally Papua New Guinea and later India, but has now shifted to mainland Southeast Asia, China, and Japan. The Institute, together with Nanzan University, develops scholarly exchange with academic institutions and scholars in Asia by offering facilities for research and study to scholars and students, and by engaging in topic-focused research projects.

Journals in JSTOR from Nanzan University
2 Journals in JSTOR Date Range
Asian Ethnology 2008 - 2023
Asian Folklore Studies 1963 - 2007
Folklore Studies 1942 - 1962
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1974 - 2023
Contemporary Religions in Japan 1960 - 1970