American Microscopical Society Publisher Description

The American Microscopical Society, founded in 1878, is an international society of biologists organized to encourage the use of microscopy. Its members are mostly scientists and educators who use various kinds of microscopes in their research and teaching--light and electron microscopes, fluorescence and confocal microscopes, and other tools for visualizing the small. The Society publishes reports of a broad range of research on invertebrates in its journal Invertebrate Biology, conducts annual research meetings, and organizes symposia on all aspects of invertebrate biology as well as workshops on techniques of microscopy. It also sponsors student fellowships for summer research and an annual competition in photomicrography.

Journals in JSTOR from American Microscopical Society
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
Invertebrate Biology 1995 - 2018
Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 1896 - 1994
Proceedings of the American Microscopical Society 1892 - 1895
Proceedings of the American Society of Microscopists 1878 - 1891