Center for International Forestry Research Research Reports
Research Reports in JSTOR from Center for International Forestry Research
822 Research Reports in JSTOR Date
Above-ground biomass and carbon stocks in a secondary forest in comparison with adjacent primary forest on limestone in Seram, the Moluccas, Indonesia 2014
Acacia hybrid: Ecology and silviculture in Vietnam 2011
Acacia mangium Willd.: Ecology, silviculture and prodctivity 2011
Acacia mangium Willd.: Ecology and silviculture in Vietnam 2011
Actors and landscape changes in tropical Latin America: Challenges for REDD+ design and implementation 2010
Adaptation and mitigation policies in Cameroon: Pathways of synergy 2013
Adaptation at the interface of forest ecosystem goods and services and livestock production systems in Northern Mali 2008
Adaptation policies and synergies with REDD+ in Democratic Republic of Congo: Context, challenges and perspectives 2015
Adaptation to climate change in Africa: Synergies with biodiversity and forest 2008
Adapter la restauration des terres à un climat en évolution: Tenir compte du connu et de l’inconnu 2019
Adaptive Collaborative Management: Criteria and Indicator for Assessing Sustainability 2003
Adaptive Collaborative Management Can Help Us Cope With Climate Change 2008
Adaptive Collaborative Management of Community Forests in Asia: Experiences from Nepal, Indonesia and the Philippines 2007
Addressing climate change adaptation and mitigation in tropical wetland ecosystems of Indonesia 2011
The Africa–China timber trade: Diverse business models call for specialized policy responses 2014
Agouti on the wedding menu: Bushmeat harvest, consumption and trade in a post-frontier region of the Ecuadorian Amazon 2015
Agrarian change in tropical landscapes 2016
Agricultural investments in Mozambique: An analysis of investment trends, business models and social and environmental conduct 2016
Agriculture and deforestation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A synthesis of the current state of knowledge 2015
Akses pasar ekspor bagi industri mebel: PELAJARAN DARI JEPARA DAN PASURUAN 2020
Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd.: Ecology, silviculture and productivity 2011
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan:: Annotated checklist with notes on ecological preferences of the species and local utilization 2004
Analyse des textes juridiques et de la littérature sur les systèmes de tenure vivante à Madagascar 2021
Analysing REDD+: Challenges and choices 2012
Analysis of approvals for Chinese companies to invest in Africa’s mining, agriculture and forestry sectors 2011
Analysis of China’s overseas investment policies 2011
An Analysis of Forestry Sector Conflict in Indonesia 1997 - 2003 2004
Analysis of opportunities for biofuel production in sub-Saharan Africa 2009
Analysis of REDD+ policy networks in Peru 2014
Analysis of the potential of sustainable forest-based bioenergy for climate change mitigation 2011
Analyzing multilevel governance in Indonesia: Lessons for REDD+ from the study of landuse change in Central and West Kalimantan 2016
Analyzing multilevel governance in Mexico: Lessons for REDD+ from a study of land-use change and benefit sharing in Chiapas and Yucatán 2018
Analyzing multilevel governance in Peru: Lessons for REDD+ from the study of land-use change and benefit sharing in Madre de Dios, Ucayali and San Martin 2016
Analyzing multilevel governance in Vietnam: Lessons for REDD+ from the study of land-use change and benefit sharing in Nghe An and Dien Bien provinces 2016
The anatomy of large-scale farmland acquisitions in sub-Saharan Africa 2011
Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.: Ecology, silviculture and productivity 2011
Apa Peran Pemerintah Subnasional dalam Kontribusi yang Ditetapkan secara Nasional?: Antara Retorika dan Praktik di Negara-negara REDD+ 2020
Approaches and tools for assessing mountain forest ecosystem services 2017
Approaches to benefit sharing: A preliminary comparative analysis of 13 REDD+ countries 2013
A/R Clean Development Mechanism Project Activities: Development of PDD 2005
A/R Clean Development Mechanism Project Activities: Project Cycle 2005
A/R Clean Development Mechanism Project Activities: Legal Framework in Indonesia 2009
Are Community Aspirations Being Accommodated in Development Plans?: A Lesson from Collective Action in Jambi 2007
Artisanal Milling of Palm Oil in Cameroon 2013
Asia Pulp & Paper Indonesia:: The business rationale that led to forest degradation and financial collapse 2006
Assessing current social vulnerability to climate change: A participatory methodology 2015
Assessing Household Poverty and Wellbeing: A Manual with Examples from Kutai Barat, Indonesia 2007
Assessing impacts on ecosystem services under various plausible oil palm expansion scenarios in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia 2017
Assessing opportunities and constraints for biofuel development in sub-Saharan Africa 2011
Assessing the Impact of CIFOR’s Influence on Policy and Practice in the Indonesian Pulp and Paper Sector 2008
The Assessment and Monitoring of Forest Resources and Forestry Products Statistics in China 2006
Assessment of governance mechanisms, livelihood outcomes and incentive instruments for green rubber in Myanmar 2016
Assessment of governance mechanisms, livelihood outcomes and incentive instruments for green rubber in the Lao PDR 2016
Assessment of the value of woodland landscape function to local communities in Gorongosa and Muanza Districts, Sofala Province, Mozambique 2003
Assistance to Forestry: Experiences and Potential for Improvement 2003
At Home in the Forest: The Punan People of the Malinau River 2000
Avoiding deforestation in the context of biofuel feedstock expansion: An analysis of the effectiveness of market-based instruments 2011
BAGAIMANA KEMAJUAN KITA?: Sebuah Perangkat untuk Merefleksikan Proses, Kemajuan dan Prioritas dari Forum Multipihak 2020
The bamboo production to consumption system in Cameroon 2010
Beekeeping in Zambia 2008
Bees in the miombo: Buzzing toward the Millennium Development Goals 2010
Being equitable is not always fair: An assessment of PFES implementation in Dien Bien, Vietnam 2016
Benefit sharing in context: A comparative analysis of 10 land-use change case studies in Indonesia 2015
Benefits and Costs of the Biodiversity Targets for the Post-2015 Development Agenda 2014
Beyond the technical: The politics of developing the MRV system in Peru 2016
Beyond Timber: Certification and Management of Non-Timber Forest Products 2008
Beyond zero deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: Progress and remaining challenges to sustainable cattle intensification 2017
Biodiversity and Local Perceptions on the Edge of a Conservation Area, Khe Tran Village, Vietnam 2006
Biofuel finance: Global trends in biofuel finance in forest-rich countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America and implications for governance 2011
Biofuels in Malaysia: An analysis of the legal and institutional framework 2011
Blessing or Misfortune?: Locals, Transmigrants and Collective Action 2007
Brazilian Development Cooperation in Agriculture: A Scoping Study on ProSavana in Mozambique, with Implications for Forests 2014
Bridging funding gaps for climate and sustainable development: Pitfalls, progress and potential 2017
Bridging the Gap:: Communities, Forests and International Networks 2003
Bridging the gap: Communities, forests and international networks 2003
Brief on the Planned United Fiber System (UFS) Pulp Mill Project for South Kalimantan, Indonesia 2005
A brief overview: Component 1 on national REDD+ policies and processes 2012
Building enabling legal frameworks for sustainable land-use investments in Zambia, Tanzania and Mozambique: A synthesis 2015
Building Future Scenarios: Governance, Land Use, and Carbon Management at the Landscape Scale 2014
The Bulungan Ethnobiology Handbook 2001
Bushmeat harvest in tropical forests: Knowledge base, gaps and research priorities 2014
Bushmeat in the tri-frontier region of Brazil, Peru and Colombia: Demise or persistence? 2014
Các giải pháp tiềm năng hỗ trợ Chương trình trồng 1 tỷ cây xanh của Việt Nam: Bài học kinh nghiệm quốc tế 2021
Cadenas de valor forestal en Moyobamba, San Martín: Oportunidades para pequeños productores 2021
A call to protect women’s rights in Solomon Islands’ forestry legislation, policy and practice 2021
Cameroon’s hidden harvest 2010
Can Law Save the Forest?: Lessons from Finland and Brazil 2003
Capacity development in national forest monitoring: Experiences and progress for REDD+ 2012
Capturing Nested Spheres of Poverty: A Model for Multidimensional Poverty Analysis and Monitoring 2007
Capturing the value of forest carbon for local livelihoods 2000
Carbon Forestry:: Who will benefit? 2005
Carbon Sequestration and Sustainable Livelihoods: A Workshop Synthesis 2005
Carbon storage in mangrove and peatland ecosystems: A preliminary account from plots in Indonesia 2009
Cerita Perubahan dari Studi Komparatif Global tentang REDD+: Mendukung Implementasi Pendekatan Yurisdiksi di Indonesia 2021
The challenge of establishing REDD+ on the ground: Insights from 23 subnational initiatives in six countries 2014
Challenges and opportunities for sustainable rubber in Myanmar 2016
Challenges and opportunities for sustainable rubber in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic 2016
Chi trả dịch vụ môi trường cho dịch vụ các-bon tại Việt Nam: Góc nhìn từ kinh nghiệm quốc tế và những vấn đề cần xem xét 2019
Chinese aid, trade and investment and the forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo 2011
Chinese trade and investment and its impacts on forests: A scoping study in the miombo woodlands 2011
Chinese trade and investment and the forests of the Congo Basin: Synthesis of scoping studies in Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo and Gabon 2011
Chinese trade and investment in the Mozambican timber industry: A case study from Cabo Delgado Province 2013
Chopping for chips: An analysis of wood flows from smallholder plantations in Vietnam 2011
Chuyển quyền Các-bon, cơ chế quản lí tài chính và chia sẻ lợi ích liên quan đến chi trả dựa vào kết quả giảm phát thải: Kinh nghiệm quốc tế và đề xuất cho Việt Nam 2021
Cinnamomum parthenoxylon (Jack) Meisn: Ecology and silviculture in Vietnam 2011
The Circular Bioeconomy: Knowledge Guide 2021
Civil society organizations’ roles in land-use planning and community land-rights issues in Kapuas Hulu regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia 2014
CLAIMING THE FOREST: Punan Local Histories and Recent Developments in Bulungan, East Kalimantan 2002
Climate change and forests in the Congo Basin: Synergy between adaptation and mitigation 2011
Climate finance and gender on the ground: Insights from mitigation and adaptation interventions in Indonesia 2020
Climate Scenarios:: What we need to know and how to generate them 2008
Cơ hội và thách thức cho Lâm nghiệp đô thị 2020
Collection and consumption of wild forest fruits in rural Zambia 2021
Collective Action to Secure Land Management Rights for Poor Communities 2007
Collective land tenure in Colombia: Data and trends 2018
Commercialisation of Non-Timber Forest Products:: Review and Analysis of Research 2000
Communicating climate change through radio programs in the Congo Basin: A guide to the preparation, monitoring and evaluation of science-policy dialogue radio programs 2015
Community forest and agroforestry for climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Monte Alén landscape 2014
Community Forest Management as a Carbon Mitigation Option: Case Studies 2006
Community forest management in the Peruvian Amazon: A literature review 2014
Community plantation forests in Indonesia: Challenges and policy recommendations 2011
¿Cómo vamos?: A tool to support more equitable co-management of Peru’s protected areas 2021
¿CÓMO VAMOS?: Una herramienta para reflexionar sobre el proceso, los avances y las prioridades de su foro multiactor 2020
Company–community conflict in Indonesia’s industrial plantation sector 2016
Comparación de métodos de evaluación de efectividad de iniciativas subnacionales REDD+ 2017
Comparative assessment of forest revenue redistribution mechanisms in Cameroon: Lessons for REDD+ benefit sharing 2015
The Complexities of Managing Forest Resources in Post-decentralization Indonesia: A Case Study from Sintang District, West Kalimantan 2005
Conflict mediation in industrial tree plantations in Indonesia: Status and prospects 2014
Conquering space and time: The challenge of emissions from land use change 2010
Contemporary processes of large-scale land acquisition by investors: Case studies from sub-Saharan Africa 2011
The context of deforestation and forest degradation in Bolivia: Drivers, agents and institutions 2014
The context of natural forest management and FSC certification in Brazil 2015
The context of natural forest management and FSC certification in Indonesia 2015
The Context of REDD+ and adaptation to climate change in Burkina Faso: Drivers, agents and institutions 2016
The context of REDD+ in Brazil: Drivers, agents and institutions 2011
The context of REDD+ in Brazil: Drivers, actors and institutions — 3rd Edition 2016
The context of REDD+ in Cameroon: Drivers, agents and institutions 2011
The context of REDD+ in Ethiopia: Drivers, agents and institutions 2015
The context of REDD+ in Indonesia: Drivers, agents and institutions 2012
The context of REDD+ in Mozambique: Drivers, agents and institutions 2012
The context of REDD+ in Nepal: Drivers, agents and institutions 2013
The Context of REDD+ in Papua New Guinea: Drivers, agents and institutions 2013
The context of REDD+ in Peru: Drivers, agents and institutions 2014
The context of REDD+ in Tanzania: Drivers, agents and institutions 2015
The context of REDD+ in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Drivers, agents and institutions 2013
The context of REDD+ in the Lao Peopleʹs Democratic Republic: Drivers, agents and institutions 2013
The context of REDD+ in Vietnam: Drivers, agents and institutions 2012
Continued Marginalisation of Under Privileged Communities: Forest Management Following Decentralization in Sintang, West Kalimantan 2004
Conversion of intact peat swamp forest to oil palm plantation: Effects on soil CO2 fluxes in Jambi, Sumatra 2013
Cooperação do Brasil para o Desenvolvimento da Agricultura: Um estudo preliminar sobre o Programa ProSavana, em Moçambique, com implicações para as Florestas 2016
Coping Amidst Chaos: Studies on Adaptive Collaborative Management from Zimbabwe 2008
Corporate commitments to zero deforestation: An evaluation of externality problems and implementation gaps 2018
Counting on forests and accounting for forest contributions in national climate change actions 2009
Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Plantation Forestry in India 2000
Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Plantation Forestry in Indonesia 2000
Criteria and Indicators of Sustainability in Community Managed Forest Landscapes:: An Introductory Guide 2000
The cross border timber trade in Kalimantan: Will stopping timber smugglers help solve the illegal logging problem in Indonesia? 2006
Current practices and innovations in smallholder palm oil finance in Indonesia and Malaysia: Long-term financing solutions to promote sustainable supply chains 2017
Current practices and innovations in smallholder palm oil finance in Indonesia and Malaysia: Long-term financing solutions to promote sustainable supply chains 2017
Current vulnerability in the Monte Alén–Monts de Cristal landscape, Equatorial Guinea 2013
Current vulnerability in the Tri-National de la Sangha landscape, Cameroon 2013
Current vulnerability in the Tri-National de la Sangha landscape, Cameroon 2013
Current vulnerability in the Virunga landscape, Rwanda 2013
Dari Partisipasi ke Inklusi: Pembelajaran dari desain dan pelaksanaan proyek pembangunan di Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat 2017
Debt Settlement of Indonesian Forestry Companies: Assessing the Role of Banking and Financial Policies for Promoting Sustainable Forest Management in Indonesia 2007
A decade of mangrove conservation achievements and challenges in Vietnam 2021
A decade of REDD+ in a changing political environment in the Democratic Republic of Congo 2020
Decentralisation and Forest Management in Kapuas District, Central Kalimantan 2001
Decentralisation, Local Communities and Forest Management in Barito Selatan District, Central Kalimantan 2001
Decentralisation of Administration, Policy Making and Forest Management in Ketapang District, West Kalimantan 2001
Decentralisation of Policies Affecting Forests and Estate Crops in Kotawaringin Timur District, Central Kalimantan 2001
Decentralisation of Policies Affecting Forests and Estate Crops in Kutai Barat District, East Kalimantan 2001
Decentralization of Forest Administration in Indonesia: Implications for Forest Sustainability, Economic Development and Community Livelihoods 2006
Decision support tools for forest landscape restoration: Current status and future outlook 2018
Deforestation and forest degradation in the Congo Basin: State of knowledge, current causes and perspectives 2015
Deforestation-free commitments: The challenge of implementation – An application to Indonesia 2015
Descifrando datos oficiales sobre el consumo de leña y carbón vegetal en el Perú 2016
Designing for engagement: Insights for more equitable and resilient multi-stakeholder forums 2020
Determination of Eligible Lands for A/R CDM Project Activities and of Priority Districts for Project Development Support in Indonesia 2006
Developing Criteria and Indicators of Community Managed Forests as Assessment and Learning Tools:: Objectives, Methodologies and Results 2000
Development, engagement, higher education and research combine for improved natural resource management 2017
The developmental implications of Sino-African economic and political relations: A preliminary assessment for the case of Zambia 2014
Dịch vụ Hệ sinh thái rừng Việt Nam: Từ lý thuyết đến thực tiễn tại 17 tỉnh Trung du miền núi phía Bắc 2021
Diseño para la participación: Aprendizajes para foros multiactor más equitativos y resilientes 2020
The distribution of payment for forest environmental services (PFES) in Vietnam: Research evidence to inform payment guidelines 2016
The distribution of powers and responsibilities affecting forests, land use, and REDD+ across levels and sectors in Peru: A legal study 2015
The distribution of powers and responsibilities affecting forests, land use, and REDD+ across levels and sectors in Tanzania: A legal study 2015
The distribution of powers and responsibilities affecting forests, land use, and REDD+ across levels and sectors in Vietnam: A legal study 2015
District Governments and Poverty Alleviation in Forest Areas in Indonesia 2006
Dix ans de REDD+ dans un contexte politique changeant en République Démocratique du Congo 2020
Do tree plantations support forest conservation? 2015
Do Trees Grow on Money?: The implications of deforestation research for policies to promote REDD 2007
Do Trees Grow on Money?: The implications of deforestation research for policies to promote REDD 2008
Does production of oil palm, soybean or jatropha change biodiversity and ecosystem functions in tropical forests? 2014
The domestic market for small-scale chainsaw milling in Cameroon: Present situation, opportunities and challenges 2011
The domestic market for small-scale chainsaw milling in Gabon: Present situation, opportunities and challenges 2011
The domestic market for small-scale chainsaw milling in the Republic of Congo: Present situation, opportunities and challenges 2011
The Dynamics of Decentralization in the Forestry Sector in South Sulawesi: The History, Realities and Challenges of Decentralized Governance 2005
Dynamics of the charcoal and indigenous timber trade in Zambia: A scoping study in Eastern, Northern and Northwestern provinces 2013
ECOHYDROLOGY OF THE MAMBERAMO BASIN: An initial assessment of biophysical processes 2008
Economic Costs and Benefits of Allocating Forest Land for Industrial Tree Plantation Development in Indonesia 2005
The economic value of the wildlife trade in Vietnam 2021
Ecosystem services and social equity: Who controls, who benefits and who loses? 2020
Ecosystem services certification: Opportunities and constraints 2011
Éducation et sensibilisation environnementale dans le paysage de Yangambi 2021
Effect of Exotic Tree Plantations on Plant Diversity and Biological Soil Fertility in the Congo Savanna:: With Special Reference to Eucalypts 2001
The Effect of Indonesiao’s Economic Crisis on Small Farmers and Natural Forest Cover in the Outer Islands 2000
Effective monitoring and management of peatland restoration 2021
The effectiveness of policies for addressing Covid-19 impacts on wildlife conservation in Vietnam 2021
The Effects of Decentralization on Forests and Forest Industries in Berau District, East Kalimantan 2003
The Effects of Indonesia’s Decentralisation on Forests and Estate Crops in Riau Province:: Case Studies of the Original Districts of Kampar and Indragiri Hulu 2001
Elikya, mwana ya zamba 2021
Emerging REDD+: A preliminary survey of demonstration and readiness activities 2009
Emission balances of first- and second-generation biofuels: Case studies from Africa, Mexico and Indonesia 2011
Employment in industrial timber plantations: An Ethiopian case supported by a global review 2015
Enabling legal frameworks for sustainable land use investments in Zambia: Legal assessment report 2015
Enabling legal frameworks for sustainable land-use investments in Tanzania: Legal assessment report 2015
Enhancing financiers’ accountability for the social and environmental impacts of biofuels 2011
Enhancing the legal framework towards holistic and sustainable wildlife conservation in Vietnam 2021
Enhancing transparency in the land sector under the Paris Agreement: Non-state actors and corporate pledges, from rhetoric to reality 2016
Enhancing transparency in the land-use sector: Exploring the role of independent monitoring approaches 2016
Environmental Governance and the Emergence of Forest-Based Social Movements 2008
Environmental reserve quotas in Brazilʹs new forest legislation: An ex ante appraisal 2015
Environmental Valuation in Indonesia: Implication for forest policy, legal liability and state losses estimates 2014
Envisioning a forest-based circular bioeconomy in sub-Saharan Africa 2021
Equity, REDD+ and Benefit Sharing in Social Forestry 2016
Erythrophloeum fordii Oliver: Ecology and silviculture in Vietnam 2011
¿Es la pérdida de turberas en Indonesia una advertencia para Perú?: Una comparación sobre la magnitud y las causas de degradación de las turberas tropicales en dos países 2019
Establishing special use zones in national parks: Can it break the conservation deadlock in Indonesia? 2010
Estimating the costs of reducing forest emissions: A review of methods 2008
ESTUDIO GLOBAL COMPARATIVO DE CIFOR SOBRE REDD+, FASE 4: Del conocimiento a la acción para proteger los bosques tropicales y fortalecer los derechos 2021
ÉTUDE COMPARATIVE MONDIALE SUR L’ÉTAPE 4 DE LA REDD+: Développer des connaissances pour appuyer l’action visant à protéger les forêts tropicales et renforcer les droits 2021
Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake: Ecology and silviculture in Vietnam 2011
Evaluation des impacts du programme ECOFAC sur les écosystèmes forestiers d’Afrique centrale au cours des 30 dernières années: Rapport final préparé par ADE et CIFOR 2023
An evaluation of POLEX (CIFOR’s Forest Policy Experts Listserv): Targeting key forest agenda-setters 2005
An evaluation of the feasibility and benefits of forest partnerships to develop tree plantations:: case studies in the Philippines 2006
Evidence-based options for advancing social equity in Indonesian palm oil: Implications for research, policy and advocacy 2018
Examining how long fallow swidden systems impact upon livelihood and ecosystem services outcomes compared with alternative land-uses in the uplands of Southeast Asia 2015
The experience of conditional cash transfers: Lessons for REDD+ benefit sharing 2014
The experience of ecological fiscal transfers: Lessons for REDD+ benefit sharing 2016
Exploitation, trade and farming of palm weevil grubs in Cameroon 2015
An exploratory review of legal texts and literature on living tenure systems in Madagascar 2021
Exploring biological diversity, environment and local people’s perspectives in forest landscapes: Methods for a multidisciplinary landscape assessment 2002
Exploring gender and forest, tree and agroforestry value chains: Evidence and lessons from a systematic review 2016
Exploring the forest - poverty link 2003
Exploring the Forest—Poverty Link:: Key Concepts, Issues and Research Implications 2003
Facilitating forests of learning: Enabling an adaptive collaborative approach in community forest user groups A guidebook 2009
Facing an uncertain future: How forests and people can adapt to climate change 2008
Fast-Wood Forestry: Myths and Realities 2003
Favouring local development in the Amazon: Lessons from community forest management initiatives 2008
Field guide to Adaptive Collaborative Management and improving women’s participation 2014
Fighting forest crime and promoting prudent banking for sustainable forest management: The anti money laundering approach 2005
Financial governance and Indonesia’s Reforestation Fund during the Soeharto and post-Soeharto periods, 1989–2009: A political economic analysis of lessons for REDD+ 2010
Financing household tree plantations in Vietnam: Current programmes and future options 2011
Financing household tree plantations in Vietnam 2011
Financing Pulp Mills:: An Appraisal of Risk Assessment and Safeguard Procedures 2006
Financing REDD: Linking country needs and financing sources 2008
Financing Sustainable Forest Management: Report of the International Workshop of Experts 22-25 January 2001, Oslo, Norway 2001
Financing sustainable small-scale forestry: Policy issues and lessons from developing national forest financing strategies in Latin America 2010
Finding appropriate definitions and measures of research quality for transdisciplinary and applied natural resource management research: A systematic review protocol 2013
Fine root dynamics within land-use change from tropical forests to agriculture: A systematic review protocol 2015
Fire, livelihoods and environmental degradation in the wetlands of Indonesia: A vicious cycle 2004
Fires in Indonesia: Causes, costs and policy implications 2003
Fires in Indonesia:: Causes, Costs and Policy Implications 2003
Fires in the Middle Mahakam peatlands: Balancing livelihoods and conservation 2004
A First Look at the Fish Species of the Middle Malinau: Taxonomy, ecology, vulnerability and importance 2005
Five hundred plant species in Gunung Halimun Salak National Park, West Java: A checklist including Sundanese names, distribution and use 2010
Forest and land-use governance in a decentralized Indonesia: A legal and policy review 2015
Forest Carbon and Local Livelihoods:: Assessment of Opportunities and Policy Recommendations 2002
Forest carbon database: A Web-based carbon stock data repository and exchange system 2010
Forest carbon for local livelihoods 2000
Forest Certification:: A Policy Perspective 2000
Forest ecosystem services and the pillars of Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness 2017
Forest Governance in Countries with Federal Systems of Government: Lessons for Decentralization 2008
Forest Governance in Countries with Federal Systems of Government: Lessons and Implications for Decentralization 2008
Forest land allocation and payments for forest environmental services in four northwestern provinces of Vietnam: From policy to practice 2016
Forest policies and forest resource flow in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Mali: Conflicting or consistent for adaptation to climate change? 2008
Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation: Case Studies of Non-Timber Forest Product Systems 2004
Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation: Case Studies of Non-Timber Forest Product Systems 2004
Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation: Case Studies of Non-Timber Forest Product Systems 2004
Forest rehabilitation in Indonesia: Where to after more than three decades? 2007
Forest Rehabilitation in Vietnam: Histories, realities and future 2006
Forest, Resources and People in Bulungan: Elements for a History of Settlement, Trade and Social Dynamics in Borneo, 1880-2000 2001
Forest tenure reform implementation in Lampung province: From scenarios to action 2017
Forest use and timber markets in the Ecuadorian Amazon 2014
Forest use in Nicaragua: Results of a survey on gendered forest use, benefits and participation 2016
Forestry, Poverty and Aid 2001
Forests: Gender and value chains 2012
Forests: Gender, property rights and access 2012
Forests: Gender, climate change and women’s representation 2012
Forests and climate change in Latin America: Linking adaptation and mitigation in projects and policies 2010
Forests and Human Health 2006
Forests and Human Health: Assessing the Evidence 2006
Forests as safety nets for mitigating the impacts of HIV/AIDS in southern Africa 2006
Forests, financial services and customer due diligence: Efforts to target illegality, money laundering and corruption in Indonesian forests 2015
Forests for climate change adaptation in the congo basin: Responding to an urgent need with sustainable practices 2008
Forests, Illegality, and Livelihoods in Cameroon 2006
Forests of Learning: Experiences from Research on an Adaptive Collaborative Approach to Community Forestry in Nepal 2008
The Forests of Setulang and Sengayan in Malinau, East Kalimantan: Their potential and the identification of steps for their protection and sustainable management 2006
A framework for measuring sustainability outcomes for landscape investments 2015
Fresh Tracks in the Forest: Assessing Incipient Payments for Environmental Services Initiatives in Bolivia 2005
From commitment to action: Establishing action points toward operationalizing integrated landscape approaches 2016
From global complexity to local reality: Aligning implementation frameworks with Sustainable Development Goals and landscape approaches 2015
From global complexity to local reality: Aligning implementation pathways for the Sustainable Development Goals and landscape approaches 2015
From growing food to growing cash: Understanding the drivers of food choice in the context of rapid agrarian change in Indonesia 2019
Fuelwood revisited: What has changed in the last decade? 2003
Fuelwood Revisited:: What Has Changed in the Last Decade? 2003
Fuelwood Studies in India: Myth and Reality 2002
Furniture and people: A photo journey from market to forest 2009
Further guidance for REDD+ safeguard information systems?: An analysis of positions in the UNFCCC negotiations 2014
Futures of tropical production forests 2015
Gender analysis in forestry research: Looking back and thinking ahead 2012
Gender and climate change: Evidence and experience 2015
Gender and forestry in Uganda: Policy, legal and institutional frameworks 2012
Gender and forestry in Uganda: Policy, legal and institutional frameworks 2012
Gender and forests in Nicaragua’s autonomous regions: Community participation 2012
Gender and forests in Nicaragua’s autonomous regions: Legal architecture 2012
Gender and forests in Nicaragua’s indigenous territories: From national policy to local practice 2012
The gender box: A framework for analysing gender roles in forest management 2013
Gender Equity: Revealing the Reality for the Women of Jambi 2006
Gender in the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry: A strategy for research and action 2013
Gender in the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry: A summary of the strategy for research and action 2013
Gender, institutions and sustainability in the context of forest decentralisation reforms in Latin America and East Africa 2010
Gender matters in Forest Landscape Restoration: A framework for design and evaluation 2017
Gender, tenure and community forests in Uganda 2012
Gender, tenure and community forests in Uganda 2012
Genetic Resources Management in Ecosystems 2001
Giá trị kinh tế của hoạt động thương mại liên quan đến động vật hoang dã tại Việt Nam 2021
A global analysis of deforestation due to biofuel development 2011
GLOBAL COMPARATIVE STUDY ON REDD+ PHASE 4: Knowledge for action to protect tropical forests and enhance rights 2021
Global Comparative Study on REDD+ story of change: CIFOR’s science on wetlands for Indonesian measurement, reporting and verification and forest reference emission level development 2021
Global Comparative Study on REDD+ story of change: Supporting district-level jurisdictional approaches in Indonesia 2021
Going into COP26 and getting it right: Forests, agriculture, ecosystems and nature for climate change mitigation and adaptation 2021
Governance, forests and REDD+ in Latin America 2010
Governance of woodfuel value chains in Kenya: An analysis of policies, legislative frameworks and institutional mechanisms 2020
Governing large-scale farmland investments in sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and ways forward 2014
Grounding the REDD+ debate: Preliminary evidence from pilot initiative in the Brazilian Amazon 2010
Guía práctica para el monitoreo participativo de gobernanza 2016
Guide for co-elaboration of scenarios: Building shared understanding and joint action for reform and security of forest tenure 2017
Guide for country profiles: Global Comparative Study on REDD (GCS-REDD) Component 1 on National REDD+ Policies and Processes 2010
Guide for small and medium enterprises in the sustainable non-timber forest product trade in Central Africa 2013
A guide to investigation and indictment using an integrated approach to law enforcement 2011
A guide to learning about livelihood impacts of REDD+ projects 2010
Guide to Participatory Tools for Forest Communities 2006
Guidebook on integrating community-based adaptation into REDD+ projects: Lessons from Indonesia and the Philippines 2013
Guidelines for adapted Multidisciplinary Landscape Assessment methods for fire management projects in India 2009
Guidelines on National Inventory of Village Forests 2000
Guiding Principles for Delivering Coastal Wetland Carbon Projects 2014
Gums and resins of Ethiopia 2011
Harnessing forests for the Sustainable Development Goals:: Building synergies and mitigating trade-offs 2019
The harvest of wildlife for bushmeat and traditional medicine in East, South and Southeast Asia: Current knowledge base, challenges, opportunities and areas for future research 2014
The Hesitant Boom:: Indonesia’s Oil Palm Sub-Sector in an Era of Economic Crisis and Political Change 2000
Hiệu quả thực hiện chính sách và giải pháp quản lí và bảo tồn động vật hoang dã Nam trong bồi cảnh COVID tại Việt Nam 2021
Household Livelihoods in Semi-Arid Regions:: Options and Constraints 2002
HOW ARE WE DOING?: A tool to reflect on the process, progress and priorities of your multi-stakeholder forum 2020
How can communities be included in district land use planning?: Experience from Malinau District, East Kalimantan 2005
How does indigeneity influence socio-ecological conditions in community forests?: A systematic review protocol 2017
How is REDD+ unfolding in southern Africa’s dry forests?: A snapshot from Mozambique 2011
How to Know More about Forests?: Supply and Use of Information for Forest Policy 2002
‘If You Saw It with My Eyes’:: Collaborative Research and Assistance with Central American Forest Steward Communities 2008
Illegal Forest Activities in Berau and Kutai Timur: Impacts, Driving Forces and Remedies 2006
The Impact of IPPK and IUPHHK on Community Economies in Malinau District 2006
The Impact of IPPK and IUPHHK on Community Economies in Malinau District 2006
The impact of migration and remittances on natural resources in Tajikistan 2016
The Impact of Sectoral Development on Natural Forest Conversion and Degradation:: The Case of Timber and Tree Crop Plantations in Indonesia 2000
The Impact of Special Autonomy on Papua’s Forestry Sector: Empowering Customary Communities (Masyarakat Adat) in Decentralized Forestry Development in Manokwari District 2005
The impacts and opportunities of oil palm in Southeast Asia: What do we know and what do we need to know? 2009
Impacts of artisanal gold and diamond mining on livelihoods and the environment in the Sangha Tri-National Park landscape 2009
The impacts of artisanal gold mining on local livelihoods and the environment in the forested areas of Cameroon 2014
Impacts of Covid-19 remediation policies on gender equality and climate change in Son La and Thua Thien Hue provinces 2021
The Impacts of Decentralisation on Forests and Forest-Dependent Communities in Malinau District, East Kalimantan 2001
The Impacts of Forestry Decentralization on District Finances, Local Communities and Spatial Planning: A Case Study in Bulungan District, East Kalimantan 2005
Impacts of industrial tree plantations in Indonesia: Exploring local perceptions 2016
The impacts of oil palm plantations on forests and people in Papua: A case study from Boven Digoel District 2014
Implementation of CITES for bushmeat species and its impacts on local livelihoods in Colombia 2016
Implementing REDD+ and adaptation to climate change in the Congo Basin: Review of projects, initiatives and opportunities for synergies 2014
Implications of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) for trans-boundary agricultural commodities, forests and smallholder farmers 2017
Importance of the traditional land-use and land-tenure systems of Waraka, Seram Island, Maluku 2014
Improved methods for carbon accounting for bioenergy: Descriptions and evaluations 2011
Improving Decentralized Forest Management in Cameroon: Options and Opportunities from Ten Years of Experience 2007
Improving forest benefits for the poor: Learning from community-based forest enterprises in Nepal 2008
In Search of Common Ground: Adaptive Collaborative Management in Cameroon 2009
Incentives +: How can REDD improve well-being in forest communities? 2009
Income is Not Enough:: The Effect of Economic Incentives on Forest Product Conservation 2001
Increasing the benefits to disadvantaged groups in multistakeholder forestry negotiations 2002
Indonesia and CIFOR: A partnership for forests and people 2010
Indonesia’s forest moratorium: A stepping stone to better forest governance? 2011
Informing decisions on ecosystem-based approaches for the adaptation of people in the Asia and Pacific region 2011
Insect Pests and Diseases in Indonesian Forests: An assessment of the major threats, research efforts and literature 2000
Insécurité et COVID-19 au Burkina Faso: Opportunités et vulnérabilités des femmes de la chaîne de valeurs du karité 2021
Integrating adaptation and mitigation in climate change and land-use policies in Peru 2015
Integrating adaptation into REDD+: Potential impacts and social return on investment in Sogod, Southern Leyte, Philippines 2013
Integrating adaptation into REDD+: Potential impacts and social return on investment in Setulang, Malinau District, Indonesia 2013
Integrating gender into forestry research: A guide for CIFOR scientists and programme administrators 2012
Intégrer le marché national dans l’Accord de Partenariat Volontaire en Côte d’Ivoire: Note d’orientation 2020
An International Comparison of Cases of Forest Product Development:: Overview, Description and Data Requirements 2001
International Cooperation: Against Financial Backers of Illegal Logging 2005
Introducing Pro-Formal: Policy and regulatory options to recognise and better integrate the domestic timber sector in tropical countries 2011
An introduction to the gender box 2014
Inversiones en recursos de uso y propiedad común para un desarrollo inclusivo y sostenible: Lecciones de Guatemala, México, Nepal y Namibia 2020
Investing in commonly-held resources for inclusive and sustainable development: Lessons from Guatemala, Mexico, Nepal and Namibia 2020
The Invisible Wand:: Adaptive Co-management as an Emergent Strategy in Complex Bio-economic Systems 2001
Is a typology for planted forests feasible, or even relevant? 2015
Is Indonesian peatland loss a cautionary tale for Peru?: A two-country comparison of the magnitude and causes of tropical peatland degradation 2019
Is the formalization of collective tenure rights in the Peruvian Amazon supporting sustainable Indigenous livelihoods?: Findings from comparative research in San Martín and Ucayali regions 2021
The Job Creation Law and REDD+: Possible synergies and challenges 2022
Justice in the forest: Rural livelihoods and forest law enforcement 2006
Justice in the forest: Rural livelihoods and forest law enforcement 2006
Keanekaragaman Hayati: Pengenalan Materi untuk Pengembangan Kurikulum Merdeka dan Muatan Lokal Sekolah Dasar dan Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu 2023
Kemitraan Lintas Sektor untuk SVLK bagi Perajin Mebel dan Kerajinan 2020
Kết quả ban đầu của đánh giá tác động Chi trả Dịch vụ Môi trường Rừng (PFES) đối với mạng lưới rừng và quản trị, thu nhập hộ gia đình và thực trạng mất rừng ở Việt Nam 2021
Kết quả thực hiện Chiến lược phát triển Lâm nghiệp Việt Nam giai đoạn 2006–2020 và đề xuất nội dung Chiến lược phát triển Lâm nghiệp Việt Nam giai đoạn 2021–2030, tầm nhìn đến năm 2050 2020
Key issues in REDD+ verification: Study commissioned by CIFOR 2013
KYC Principles: For Forestry Related Customers 2005
La participación de mujeres indígenas rurales para fortalecer la gobernanza comunitaria 2016
La participation au centre du montage: Quelques pistes pour l’équité et la résilience des forums multipartites 2020
La restauración de bosques andinos tropicales: Avances, desafíos y perspectivas del futuro 2017
La restauración de ecosistemas terrestres en México: Estado actual, necesidades y oportunidades 2018
La restauración ecológica en el marco de las compensaciones por pérdida de biodiversidad en Colombia: Un análisis crítico 2017
La tenencia colectiva de la tierra en Colombia: Antecedentes y estado actual 2017
Lac Télé – Lac Tumba Landscape 2012
Land-based investment and green development in Indonesia: Lessons from Berau district, East Kalimantan 2015
Land-use planning in the Moluccas: What of customary tenure security? 2014
Land-use trends and environmental governance policies in Brazil: Paths forward for sustainability 2014
Large-scale plantations, bioenergy developments and land use change in Indonesia 2014
Las concesiones forestales de castaña de la Amazonía peruana: ¿un éxito o un fracaso? 2019
Las plantaciones forestales en Perú: Reflexiones, estatus actual y perspectivas a futuro 2017
Launching the Partnership and Assessing the Challenges Ahead: Learning Lessons Year 1 and 2 Forest Partnership: From Kalimantan Districts to the Global Market Place 2007
Le marché domestique du sciage artisanal en République démocratique du Congo: État des lieux, opportunités, défis 2014
Learning lessons from China’s forest rehabilitation efforts: National level review and special focus on Guangdong Province 2006
Learning lessons from smallholder and community forest mosaics to support sustainable livelihoods in the Amazon 2012
Learning Lessons to Promote Certification and Combat Illegal Logging in Indonesia: September 2003 to June 2006 2006
Learning Lessons to Promote Forest Certification and Control Illegal Logging in Indonesia 2004
LEARNING TO ADAPT: Managing Forests Together in Indonesia 2005
LEARNING TOGETHER: Responding to Change and Complexity to Improve Community Forests in the Philippines 2003
Lecciones de iniciativas tempranas de REDD+ para informar esfuerzos de mitigación de carbono efectivos y equitativos en Perú 2022
Legal and institutional frameworks at national and subnational levels for biofuel promotion in Mexico 2011
Legal frameworks enabling sustainable land-use investment in Mozambique: Current strengths and opportunities for improvement 2015
The legitimacy of multilevel governance structures for benefit sharing: REDD+ and other low emissions options in Peru 2014
Lessons for REDD+ benefit-sharing mechanisms from anti-corruption measures in Indonesia 2015
Lessons for REDD+ from measures to control illegal logging in Indonesia 2011
Lessons from early REDD+ initiatives to inform effective and equitable carbon mitigation efforts in Peru 2022
Lessons from environmental and social sustainability certification standards for equitable REDD+ benefit-sharing mechanisms 2015
Lessons from local environmental funds for REDD+ benefit sharing with indigenous people in Brazil 2014
Lessons from Payments for Ecosystem Services for REDD+ Benefit-Sharing Mechanisms 2014
Lessons from the perceptions of equity and risks in payments for forest environmental services (PFES) fund distribution: A case study of Dien Bien and Son La provinces in Vietnam 2015
Lessons from voluntary partnership agreements for REDD+ benefit sharing 2015
Lessons learned for improving policies affecting forest conservation and climate change adaptation in Kenyaʼs water tower communities 2016
Lessons learned for improving policies affecting forest conservation and climate change adaptation in Uganda′s water tower communities 2016
Lessons on social inclusion for transformative forest-based bioeconomy solutions 2021
Leveraging climate finance for gender equality and poverty reduction: A comparative study 2020
Life after logging:: Reconciling wildlife conservation and production forestry in Indonesian Borneo 2005
Linking C&I to a Code of Practice for Industrial Tropical Tree Plantations 2001
Linking food, nutrition and the environment in Indonesia: A perspective on sustainable food systems 2021
Linking great ape conservation and poverty alleviation: Sharing experiences from Africa and Asia 2013
Linking Social Movements: How International Networks Can Better Support Community Action about Forests 2005
Literature review of participatory measurement, reporting and verification (PMRV) 2014
Livelihoods, land types and the importance of ecosystem goods and services: Developing a predictive understanding of landscape valuation by the Punan Pelancau people of East Kalimantan 2006
Local communities’ and indigenous peoples’ land and forestry rights: Assessing the law and practice on tenure security in Kenya 2021
The local impacts of oil palm expansion in Malaysia: An assessment based on a case study in Sabah State 2011
Local People’s Access to Forest-Based Development Opportunities In Manokwari District 2004
Local perpectives on drivers of deforestation and degradation and effectiveness of financial incentive mechanisms in Bach Ma National Park 2018
Local Perspectives of Forest Landscapes: A Preliminary Evaluation of Land and Soils, and their Importance in Malinau, East Kalimantan, Indonesia 2005
Local Policy-making Mechanisms: Processes, Implementation and Impacts of the Decentralized Forest Management System in Tanjung Jabung Barat District, Jambi, Sumatra 2005
The local social and environmental impacts of biofuel feedstock expansion: A synthesis of case studies from Asia, Africa and Latin America 2010
Local uses of tree species and contribution of mixed tree gardens to livelihoods in Saleman: Village near Manusela National Park, Seram Island, Maluku (Indonesia) 2014
Logging for the ark: Improving the conservation value of production forests in South East Asia 2007
Losing less and winning more: Building capacity to go beyond the trade-offs between conservation and development in the Lower Mekong 2009
Low-emission development strategies (LEDS): How can REDD+ contribute? 2015
Maiko-Tayna-Kahuzi-Biega Landscape 2012
Making climate finance work for women and the poor: Insights from national climate finance mechanisms in Indonesia 2020
Making dry forests work for the poor in Africa - building on success 2004
Making forest carbon markets work for low-income producers 2002
Making research work for small-scale furniture makers: Action research in the Jepara furniture industry, Indonesia 2013
Making sense of ʻintersectionalityʼ: A manual for lovers of people and forests 2018
Making timber plantations an attractive business for smallholders 2015
Malapari yang Produktif:: Berpotensi memulihkan keseimbangan antara manusia dan planet 2020
Management guide for sustainable production of frankincense 2011
MANAGING FOREST RESOURCES IN A DECENTRALIZED ENVIRONMENT: Lessons Learnt from the Malinau Research Forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesia 2007
Managing oil palm landscapes: A seven-country survey of the modern palm oil industry in Southeast Asia, Latin America and West Africa 2015
Managing peatlands in Indonesia: Challenges and opportunities for local and global communities 2018
Managing smallholder teak plantations: Field guide for farmers 2011
Manejo comunitario de la cacería y de la fauna: Avances realizados por la asociación de cazadores airumaküchi en Puerto Nariño, Amazonas Colombia 2016
A Manual of Diseases of Eucalypts in South-East Asia 2003
A Manual of Diseases of Tropical Acacias in Australia, South-East Asia and India 2000
Mapping global tropical wetlands from earth observing satellite imagery 2012
Mapping landscape guidelines and principles to the Aichi targets 2015
Maringa–Lopori–Wamba Landscape 2012
A match made in Paris: Adaptation–mitigation synergies in the land sec 2016
Measuring and monitoring forest degradation for REDD: Implications of country circumstances 2008
Measuring Livelihoods and Environmental Dependence: Methods for Research and Fieldwork 2011
Mengaitkan Pangan, Gizi, dan Lingkungan Hidup di Indonesia: Sebuah Perspektif mengenai Sistem Pangan Berkelanjutan 2021
Merancang pelibatan: Wawasan untuk forum multipemangku kepentingan yang lebih berkesetaraan dan berketahanan 2020
A method to assess the outcomes of forest product trade on livelihoods and the environment 2005
Methodology for assessing the role of mangroves in trace metal(loid) filtration to develop a mechanism of payments for environmental services for mangroves in Vietnam 2020
Methods and Tools for Assessing the Vulnerability of Forests and People to Climate Change: An introduction 2008
Minh bạch và trách nhiệm giải trình trong thực hiện chính sách lâm nghiệp tại Việt Nam 2020
Miombo Woodlands and Rural Livelihoods in Malawi 2006
Missing links in the forest—migration nexus: An analysis of trends, literature and data sources 2018
Modèles de participation dans les forums multipartites: Résultats d’une synthèse réaliste 2020
Modelling Methods for Policy Analysis in Miombo Woodlands 2001
Model-model partisipasi dalam forum multipemangku kepentingan: Temuan dari sebuah tinjauan sintesis realis 2020
Modelos de participación en los foros multiactor: Resultados de una revisión de síntesis realista 2020
Models of participation in multi-stakeholder forums: Results of a realist synthesis review 2020
Monitoring deforestation and forest degradation in the context of REDD+: Lessons from Tanzania 2015
Monitoring forest emissions: A review of methods 2008
The Monte Alen–Monts De Cristal Landscape 2013
More holistic approaches to agriculture needed: An analysis of submissions to SBSTA 44 on agriculture and adaptation 2016
Motivation for payments for ecosystem services in Laos: The essential alignment 2014
Moving Ahead with REDD: Issues, Options and Implications 2008
Moving Towards Company-Community Partnerships: Elements to take into account for Fast-Wood Plantation Companies in Indonesia 2005
MRV for REDD+ in Mexico: The political process of a technical system 2017
Mức sẵn lòng chi trả dịch vụ môi trường rừng ngập mặn tại Việt Nam: Trường hợp nghiên cứu tại Hải Phòng 2020
Mukula (rosewood) trade between China and Zambia 2018
Multilevel governance and land use in Chiapas and Yucatan: Lessons for REDD+ in Mexico 2017
Multilevel governance, carbon management and land-use decisions in Tanzania 2017
Mutual legal assistance to strengthen Indonesia-ASEAN forest governance 2014
Nâng cao hiệu quả thực hiện chính sách hướng tới quản lí và bảo tồn động vật hoang dã bền vững và toàn diện 2021
The national bioenergy investment model: Technical documentation 2012
Navigating amidst complexity: Guide to implementing effective research and development to improve livelihoods and the environment 2006
New map reveals more peat in the tropics 2017
No forest, no NTFPs for rural communities in Cambodia 2014
The non-industrial palm oil sector in Cameroon 2014
Not by grain alone…: Woodlands and rural livelihoods in dryland Africa 2002
Oil, macroeconomics and forests: Lessons for Central Africa 2004
Oil palm estate development and its impact on forests and local communities in West Papua: A case study on the Prafi Plain 2014
One century of forest rehabilitation in the Philippines: Approaches, outcomes and lessons 2006
Only money talks: How REDD+ discourses in the Nepalese media overlook the politics of policy making and governance 2014
The operational role of remote sensing in forest and landscape management: Focus group discussion proceedings 2010
Operationalising the ecosystem approach - re-inventing research 2004
Operationalizing gender equity and inclusion in forest management decision-making mechanisms 2017
Operationalizing REDD+ Safeguards: Challenges and opportunities 2014
Oportunidades y desafíos para la gobernanza de la restauración del paisaje forestal en América Latina 2018
Opportunities and challenges for biofuel production in Latin America: A forester’s perspective 2009
Opportunities and challenges for sustainable production and marketing of gums and resins in Ethiopia 2011
Opportunities and Constraints to Community Forestry: Experience from Malinau 2005
Opportunities for implementing REDD+ to enhance sustainable forest management and improve livelihoods in Lombok, NTB, Indonesia 2014
OÙ EN SOMMES NOUS ?: Outil pour réfléchir au processus, aux progrès et aux priorités de votre forum multipartite 2021
OUR FOREST, OUR DECISION: A survey of principles for local decision-making in Malinau 2006
An overview of current knowledge about the impacts of forest management certification: A proposed framework for its evaluation 2013
Overview of forest tenure reforms in Indonesia 2017
Palm oil and biodiversity 2014
Palm oil and likely futures: Assessing the potential impacts of zero deforestation commitments and a moratorium on large-scale oil palm plantations in Indonesia 2017
The palm oil global value chain: Implications for economic growth and social and environmental sustainability 2017
Palms of controversies: Oil palm and development challenges 2014
Para adaptar la restauración de la tierra a un clima cambiante: Aceptemos lo que sabemos y lo que no 2019
Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen: Ecology, silviculture and productivity 2011
Partenariats, renforcement des capacités et entrepreneuriat pour un futur durable dans le paysage de Yangambi 2020
Participation of rural indigenous women in community governance 2016
Participatory Monitoring in tropical forest management: a review of tools, concepts and lessons learned 2008
Partnerships, capacity building and entrepreneurship for a sustainable future in the Yangambi landscape 2020
Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES): Assessment of PES Potential in Seram Island 2014
Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES): Assessment of PES Potential in Kapuas Hulu 2014
Payment is good, control is better: Why payments for forest environmental services in Vietnam have so far remained incipient 2005
Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES): A practical guide to assessing the feasibility of PES projects 2014
Payments for environmental services: Some nuts and bolts 2005
Payments for environmental services:: Some nuts and bolts 2005
Payments for Forest Environmental Services in Viet Nam: Strengthening effectiveness through monitoring and evaluation 2021
Payments for forest environmental services in Vietnam: From policy to practice 2013
Payments for forest environmental services in Vietnam: From policy to practice 2013
People in motion, forests in transition: Trends in migration, urbanization, and remittances and their effects on tropical forests 2015
Percibir, sentir, pensar: Por qué el cuerpo, el corazón y la mente son importantes para la gestión de los ecosistemas 2021
PERMANENT SAMPLE PLOTS: More than just forest data 2006
Peruvian smallholder production and marketing of bolaina (Guazuma crinita), a fast-growing Amazonian timber species: Call for a pro-livelihoods policy environment 2013
PEST OUTBREAKS IN TROPICAL FOREST PLANTATIONS:: Is There a Greater Risk for Exotic Tree Species? 2001
Phương pháp đánh giá vai trò của rừng ngập mặn trong việc lọc vết kim loại 2020
Planning for woodcarving in the 21st century 2002
Planted forests in emerging economies: Best practices for sustainable and responsible investments 2016
Policies and Governance Structures in Woodlands of Southern Africa 2003
Policies and institutional and legal frameworks in the expansion of Brazilian biofuels 2011
Policy and institutional frameworks for the development of palm oil–based biodiesel in Indonesia 2011
A policy network analysis of the palm oil sector in Indonesia: What sustainability to expect? 2017
Policy options for improved forest use by smallholders in the Ecuadorian Amazon 2014
Policy options for improved integration of domestic timber markets under the voluntary partnership agreement (VPA) regime: Lessons from formalization case studies 2014
Policy options for improved integration of domestic timber markets under the voluntary partnership agreement (VPA) regime: Synthesis from lessons learned in Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Gabon and Indonesia 2014
Policy options for improved integration of domestic timber markets under the voluntary partnership agreement (VPA) regime in Cameroon 2014
Policy options for improved integration of domestic timber markets under the voluntary partnership agreement (VPA) regime in Gabon 2014
Policy options for improved integration of domestic timber markets under the voluntary partnership agreement (VPA) regime in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2014
Policy progress with REDD+ and the promise of performance-based payments: A qualitative comparative analysis of 13 countries 2015
The politics of REDD+ MRV in Mexico: The interplay of the national and subnational levels 2017
Potential for integrated landscape approaches: A review of Ghana’s national environment and development policies 2021
Potential for integrated landscape approaches: A review of Indonesia’s national environment and development policies 2021
Potential for integrated landscape approaches: A review of Zambia’s national environment and development policies 2021
Potential land use competition from first-generation biofuel expansion in developing countries 2010
The potential of agarwood as a climate-resilient livelihood option in Indonesia 2021
Poverty Alleviation and Forests in Vietnam 2005
Poverty and Decentralisation in Kutai Barat: The Impacts of Regional Autonomy on Dayak Benuaq Wellbeing 2007
Poverty and Forests: Multi-Country Analysis of Spatial Association and Proposed Policy Solutions 2007
Poverty and forests: Multi-country analysis of spatial association and proposed policy solutions 2008
Poverty in Rural Forest Communities and its Management: A Case Study in Malinau District 2006
Power, profits and policy: A reality check on the Prunus africana bark trade 2014
Practical guide for socio-economic livelihood, land tenure and rights surveys for use in collaborative ecosystem-based land use planning 2012
Preliminary results of assessments on the impacts of Payments for Forest Environmental Services (PFES) on forest networks and governance, household income and forest loss in Vietnam 2021
Preliminary value chain analysis of gum and resin marketing in Ethiopia: Issues for policy and research 2011
Preventing the risk of corruption in REDD+ in Indonesia 2011
Prioritisation for Adaptation in Tropical Forest Ecosystems 2008
The Private Sector Speaks:: Investing in Sustainable Forest Management 2001
Proceedings of Launching model forest Indonesia as part of the International Model Forest Network, Jakarta, 2 December 2004 2006
Proceedings of The first international workshop on community forestry in Liberia: Towards a shared vision and action frame for community forestry in Liberia 2005
Profil Desa Penelitian:: Penghidupan Berkelanjutan Bebas Polusi Asap 2018
Project Guide and Methods Training Manual 2015
Prolific Pongamia:: Potential to restore equilibrium between people and planet 2020
Promoting Forest Stewardship in the Bolsa Floresta Programme:: Local Livelihood Strategies and Preliminary Impacts 2013
Prospects for wood-based electricity for the Indonesian National Energy Policy 2017
Protocols for the measurement, monitoring and reporting of structure, biomass and carbon stocks in mangrove forests 2012
Protocols for the measurement, monitoring, and reporting of structure, biomass, carbon stocks and greenhouse gas emissions in tropical peat swamp forests 2016
Public and private sustainability standards in the oil palm sector: Compliance barriers facing Indonesia’s independent oil palm smallholders 2017
Public Participation in Local Forestry Policy-making after Decentralization: Uncertainties, challenges and expectations in Tanjung Jabung Barat District, Jambi Province 2004
Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): An application to compare national REDD+ policy processes 2013
Quản lí và bảo tồn động vật hoang dã tại Việt Nam: Từ chính sách đến thực tiễn 2021
Quantifying agricultural and non-agricultural drivers of carbon stock change from land-use change 2015
¿Qué roles cumplen los gobiernos subnacionales en las Contribuciones Nacionalmente Determinadas?: Entre la retórica y la práctica en los países REDD+ 2020
¿Qué sabemos sobre las turberas peruanas? 2020
Quel est le rôle attribué aux autorités infranationales dans les contributions déterminées au niveau national ?: De la rhétorique à la pratique pour les pays REDD+ 2020
Quelles conséquences quand les capitaux chinois rachètent une entreprise en Afrique ?: Cas d’étude d’une agro-industrie au Cameroun 2016
Quy trình quản lý dữ liệu cho các nghiên cứu xã hội học 2020
Rapport d’étude de la consommation de bois‑énergie et des équipements de cuisson de la ville de Kisangani 2021
Rattan: The decline of a once-important non-timber forest product in Indonesia 2014
Realising REDD+: National strategy and policy options 2009
Recent Experience in Collaborative Forest Management 2005
ReCLAIM: Restoring Coastal Landscape for Adaptation Integrated Mitigation 2021
ReCLAIM: Restoring Coastal Landscape for Adaptation Integrated Mitigation 2021
Reclaiming collective rights: Land and forest tenure reforms in Peru (1960—2016) 2017
Recognising community rights: The potential and challenges of forest tenure reform 2009
REDD+: Online Workshop Series 2020
REDD+ at the crossroads: Choices and tradeoffs for 2015–2020 in Laos 2015
REDD, forest governance and rural livelihoods: The emerging agenda 2010
The REDD+ Governance Landscape and the Challenge of Coordination in Brazil 2015
REDD+ in indigenous territories in Latin America: Opportunity or threat? 2010
REDD+ on the ground: A case book of subnational initiatives across the globe 2014
REDD+ policies in the media: The case of the written press in Democratic Republic of Congo 2014
REDD+ policy implementation and institutional interplay: Evidence from three pilot projects in Cameroon 2020
REDD+ policy networks in Indonesia 2013
REDD+ policy networks in Vietnam 2014
REDD+ politics in the media: A case study from Tanzania 2013
REDD+ politics in the media: A case study from Peru 2014
REDD+ politics in the media: A case study from Indonesia 2010
REDD+ politics in the media: A case study from Brazil 2011
REDD+ politics in the media: A case study from Vietnam 2011
REDD+ Politics in the Media: A case study from Papua New Guinea 2012
REDD+ politics in the media: A case study from Nepal 2012
REDD+ politics in the media: A case study from Cameroon 2011
REDD+ readiness in Nepal: In search of effective stakeholder participation 2014
Reducing forest emissions in Southeast Asia: A review of drivers of land-use change and how payments for environmental services (PES) schemes can affect them 2008
Reducing forest emissions in the Amazon Basin: A review of drivers of land-use change and how payments for environmental services (PES) schemes can affect them 2008
Reducing forestry emissions in Indonesia 2010
Reducing green house gas emissions from oil palm in Indonesia: Lessons from East Kalimantan 2015
Regional Strategy for Implementing the Code of Practice for Forest Harvesting in Asia-Pacific 2000
Regional Synthesis of Payments for Environmental Services (PES) in the Greater Mekong Region 2015
Regulatory policies and Gnetum spp. trade in Cameroon 2007
Rehabilitation of Degraded Forests to Improve Livelihoods of Poor Farmers in South China 2003
Rehabilitation of Degraded Tropical Forest Ecosystems: Workshop Proceedings 2-4 November 1999 Bogor, Indonesia 2001
Results-based payments for REDD+: Lessons on finance, performance, and non-carbon benefits 2016
A review of environmental issues in the context of biofuel sustainability frameworks 2011
Review of existing methods for carbon accounting 2010
A review of Kenya’s national policies relevant to climate change adaptation and mitigation: Insights from Mount Elgon 2014
A review of payments for environmental services (PES) experiences in Cambodia 2014
Review of the diversity of palm oil production systems in Indonesia: Case study of two provinces: Riau and Jambi 2017
A review of the legal and policy framework for payments for ecosystem services (PES) in Thailand 2014
A review of Uganda’s national policies relevant to climate change adaptation and mitigation: Insights from Mount Elgon 2014
A review on compliance and impact monitoring indicators for delivery of forest ecosystem services 2015
Revisiting the REDD+ experience in Indonesia: Lessons from national, subnational and local implementation 2020
Revitalizing the United Nations Forum on Forests: Critical Issues and Ways Forward 2007
The Revival of Industrial Forest Plantations in Indonesia’s Kalimantan Provinces: Will they help eliminate fiber shortfalls at Sumatran pulp mills or feed the China market? 2006
Reworking the land: A review of literature on the role of migration and remittances in the rural livelihoods of Southeast Asia 2015
Riches of the forest:: Fruits, remedies and handicrafts in Latin America 2004
Riches of the forest:: Food, spices, crafts and resins of Asia 2004
Riches of the forest:: For health, life and spirit in Africa 2004
Rights abuse allegations in the context of REDD+ readiness and implementation: A preliminary review and proposal for moving forward 2017
Rights to forests and carbon under REDD+ initiatives in Latin America 2010
Risky business: Motivating uptake and implementation of sustainability standards in the Indonesian palm oil sector 2015
Rôle de la Table Filière Karité dans l’appui aux producteurs locaux au Burkina Faso 2021
The role of CITES in the governance of transnational timber trade 2015
The role of collective action in determining the benefits from IPPK logging concessions:: A case study from Sekatak, East Kalimantan 2004
The Role of District Government in Poverty Alleviation: Case Studies in Malinau and West Kutai Districts, East Kalimantan, Indonesia 2006
The role of national governance systems in biofuel development: A comparative analysis of lessons learned 2010
The role of REDD in stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations: Lessons from economic models 2008
Securing tenure rights in Maluku, Indonesia: Searching for common action 2017
Sensing, feeling, thinking: Why the body, heart and mind are all important in ecosystem management 2021
Servicios ecosistémicos y equidad social: ¿quién controla, quién se beneficia y quién pierde? 2020
A Shared Research Agenda for Landuse, Landuse Change, Forestry and the Clean Development Mechanism 2001
Sino-Mozambican relations and their implications for forests: A preliminary assessment for the case of Mozambique 2012
Site Management and Productivity in Tropical Plantation Forests: Proceedings of Workshops in Congo July 2001 and China February 2003 2004
Site Management and Productivity in Tropical Plantation Forests: Proceedings of Workshops in Piracicaba (Brazil) 22-26 November 2004 and Bogor (Indonesia) 6-9 November 2006 2008
Site Management and Productivity in Tropical Plantation Forests:: A Progress Report 2000
Situating Zimbabwe’s Natural Resource Governance Systems in History 2000
Sloping lands in transition: Participatory research on landscape management for forest ecosystem service provision and adaptation to change in Bhutan [SLANT-Bhutan] 2017
Small flame but no fire: Wood fuel in the (Intended) Nationally Determined Contributions of countries in Sub-Saharan Africa 2017
Small scale 100 ha logging concessions’ contribution to regional finance: Case study in Bulungan district 2004
Smallholder finance in the oil palm sector: Analyzing the gaps between existing credit schemes and smallholder realities 2017
Smallholder finance in the palm oil sector: Analyzing the gaps between existing credit schemes and smallholder realities 2017
Small-scale woodland-based enterprises with outstanding economic potential: The case of honey in Zambia 2006
Snapshot of REDD+ in Papua New Guinea 2011
Social impacts of oil palm in Indonesia: A gendered perspective from West Kalimantan 2015
Social impacts of the Forest Stewardship Council certification: An assessment in the Congo basin 2014
Social Science Research and Conservation Management in the Interior of Borneo: Unravelling past and present interactions of people and forests 2003
Social sustainability of EU-approved voluntary schemes for biofuels: Implications for rural livelihoods 2011
Socioecological responsibility and Chinese overseas investments: The case of rubber plantation expansion in Cameroon 2015
Socio-economic considerations for land use planning: The case of Seram, Central Maluku 2013
Socio-economic considerations for land-use planning: The case of Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan 2013
Soybean and oil palm expansion in South America: A review of main trends and implications 2012
Standards and methods available for estimating project-level REDD+ carbon benefits: Reference guide for project developers 2011
The state of oil palm development in the Brazilian Amazon: Trends, value chain dynamics, and business models 2015
A step-wise framework for setting REDD+ forest reference emission levels and forest reference levels 2012
Strength in numbers:: Java’s furniture makers go green and increase incomes 2015
Strengthening social inclusion within oil palm contract farming in the Brazilian Amazon 2018
Strengthening the resiliency of dryland forest-based livelihoods in Ethiopia and South Sudan: A review of literature on the interaction between dryland forests, livelihoods and forest governance 2015
Strengthening women’s tenure rights and participation in community forestry 2016
Sự sẵn lòng tham gia vào Chi trả dịch vụ môi trường rừng ngập mặn: Góc nhìn từ hãng tàu và các bên liên quan trong ngành vận tải biển 2021
Success from the ground up: Participatory monitoring and forest restoration 2016
The sustainability of forest management: Assessing the impact of CIFOR’s Criteria and Indicators research 2005
Sustainable bioenergy systems to restore and valorize degraded land 2016
Sustainable development of the palm oil sector in the Congo Basin: The need for a regional strategy involving smallholders and informal markets 2019
Sustainable forest management for land rehabilitation and provision of biomass-energy 2017
Sustainable Palm Oil Production project synthesis: Understanding and anticipating global challenges 2017
Sustainable use and commercialization of bushmeat in Colombia: Toward the operationalization of legal frameworks 2016
Swietenia macrophylla King: Ecology, silviculture and productivity 2011
Synergies across a REDD+ landscape: Non-carbon benefits, joint mitigation and adaptation, and an analysis of submissions to the SBSTA 2014
Synergies between adaptation and mitigation in a nutshell 2011
Synthesis: Bioenergy, Sustainability and Trade-offs: Can we Avoid Deforestation while Promoting Biofuels? 2012
Synthesis: Action research to improve furniture value chain governance and enhance livelihoods of small-scale producers 2013
Systematic review of effects on biodiversity from oil palm production 2014
Tác động của các chính sách khắc phục hậu quả COVID đối với bình đẳng giới và biến đổi khí hậu tại Sơn La và Thừa Thiên Huế 2021
Tác động của chi trả dịch vụ môi trường rừng tại Thừa Thiên Huế đến đời sống kinh tế xã hội của cộng đồng: Bài học từ huyện A Lưới- tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế 2021
Tác động kinh tế và xã hội của chi trả dịch vụ môi trường rừng tại Vườn Quốc Gia Cát Tiên 2020
Tác động môi trường của chính sách chi trả dịch vụ môi trường rừng tại Huyện A Lưới – Tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế 2021
Taking migration seriously: What are the implications for gender and community forestry? 2013
Technical guidelines for research on REDD+ project sites 2010
Technologies to produce liquid biofuels for transportation: An overview 2011
Tenure challenges to implementing forest landscape restoration in northwestern Madagascar 2019
Tenure reform in Indonesia: When? What? Why? 2016
Tenure rights and access to forests: A training manual for research Part I. A guide to key issues 2012
Tenure Rights and Beyond: Community Access to Forest Resources in Latin America 2008
Testing the influence of radio programs on climate change knowledge: A pilot experience from the Congo Basin 2015
Theories and Methods for the Study of Multilevel Environmental Governance 2015
Thinking about REDD+ benefit sharing mechanism (BSM): Lessons from community forestry (CF) in Nepal and Indonesia 2015
Though all things differ: Pluralism as a basis for cooperation in forests 2005
Thực thi chính sách chi trả dịch vụ môi trường rừng tại Thừa Thiên Huế: Bài học từ huyện A Lưới 2021
Timber legality verification and small-scale forestry enterprises in Indonesia: Lessons learned and policy options 2014
Timber legality verification system and the Voluntary Partnership Agreement in Indonesia: The challenges of the small-scale forestry sector 2014
Timber production in smallholder agroforestry systems: Justifications for pro-poor forest policy in Peru 2014
Timber Smuggling in Indonesia: Critical or Overstated Problem? Forest Governance Lessons from Kalimantan 2006
To what extent does the presence of forests and trees contribute to food production in humid and dry forest landscapes?: A systematic review protocol 2015
Tổng quan hệ thống chính sách và hướng dẫn phân loại rừng quốc tế 2020
Tools to improve inclusion in multistakeholder forums (MSFs) 2021
Toward ‘post-REDD+ landscapes’: Mexico’s community forest enterprises provide a proven pathway to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation 2010
Toward responsible and inclusive financing of the palm oil sector 2017
Towards more sustainable and productive independent oil palm smallholders in Indonesia: Insights from the development of a smallholder typology 2016
Towards Mutually-Beneficial Company-Community Partnerships in Timber Plantation:: Lessons learnt from Indonesia 2003
Towards responsible and inclusive financing of the palm oil sector 2017
Towards Wellbeing: Monitoring Poverty in Malinau, Indonesia 2007
Towards Wellbeing:: Monitoring poverty in Kutai Barat, Indonesia 2007
towards wellbeing in forest communities: a source book for local government 2007
Traditional knowledge, perceptions and forest conditions in a Dayak Mentebah community, West Kalimantan, Indonesia 2014
Transformations in EU biofuels markets under the Renewable Energy Directive and the implications for land use, trade and forests 2012
Trayectorias históricas y escenarios prospectivos de las reformas de tenencia colectiva de la tierra en áreas forestales comunitarias en Colombia 2017
Trends and challenges for developing next generation of business and finance schemes for smallholders 2017
Trends in forest conditions and implications for resilience to climate change under differing forest governance regimes: The case of Mount Elgon, East Africa 2017
Tri-National de la Sangha Landscape 2012
Tropical forests and adaptation to climate change: In search of synergies 2005
Tropical wetlands for climate change adaptation and mitigation: Science and policy imperatives with special reference to Indonesia 2012
Trying to follow the money: Possibilities and limits of investor transparency in Southeast Asia’s rush for “available” land 2015
Una aproximación a las diferencias de género en hogares con bosques privados y bosques comunitarios en Nicaragua 2016
Una clasificación de proyectos de restauración del paisaje forestal en América Latina y el Caribe 2019
Una visión regional y local sobre la seguridad de tenencia comunal de la tierra y el bosque en Loreto 2017
Una visión regional y local sobre la seguridad de tenencia comunal de la tierra y el bosque en Madre de Dios 2017
Under the canopy: Gender and forests in Amazonia 2015
The Underlying Causes of Forest Decline 2000
Understanding gender dynamics in the context of rural transformation processes: An East Kalimantan case study 2020
Unpacking tenure security: Development of a conceptual framework and application to the case of oil palm expansion on customary land in Kapuas Hulu district, West Kalimantan, Indonesia 2012
Upgrading Tanzania’s artisanal and small-scale mining through investor partnerships: Opportunities and challenges 2017
Use and trade of bushmeat in Colombia: Relevance to rural livelihoods 2016
The use of pigüe (Piptocoma discolor) by smallholders in Napo, Ecuador: Sustainable management of a pioneer timber species for local livelihoods 2013
Using the Anti Money Laundering Law: Catching the Intellectual Actors behind Illegal Logging 2005
Uso y comercio sostenible de carne de monte en Colombia: Hacia la operacionalización del marco legal 2016
Vai trò của rừng ngập mặn trong việc hỗ trợ ngành vận tải biển thực hiện cam kết bảo vệ môi trường và phát triển bền vững 2021
Verification vs. Finance?: Removing the negotiation roadblocks for results-based REDD+ activities 2013
Vietnam Forestry Development Strategy: Implementation results for 2006–2020 and recommendations for the 2021–2030 strategy 2020
The Virunga Landscape 2013
Visiones regionales y locales sobre la inseguridad de tenencia en Loreto y Madre de Dios 2017
THE WEALTH OF THE DRY FORESTS: Can Sound Forest Management Contribute to the Millennium Development Goals in Sub-Saharan Africa? 2006
What are the biophysical, institutional, and socioeconomic contextual factors associated with improvements in livelihood and environmental outcomes in forests managed by communities?: A systematic review protocol 2015
What can REDD+ benefit-sharing mechanisms learn from the European Rural Development Policy? 2015
What do we know about Peruvian peatlands? 2020
What is a REDD+ pilot?: A preliminary typology based on early actions in Indonesia 2010
What is the right scale for REDD?: The implications of national, subnational and nested approaches 2008
What should be included in the Green Climate Fund’s new Gender Policy and Action Plan?: Lessons from CIFOR’s research and analyses 2017
When the Dutch Disease met the French Connection:: Oil, Macroeconomics and Forests in Gabon 2003
Where Are the Poor and Where Are the Trees?: Targeting of poverty reduction and forest conservation in Vietnam 2006
WHERE THE POWER LIES Multiple stakeholder politics over natural resources: A participatory methods guide 2002
Who holds power in land-use decisions?: Implications for REDD+ in Indonesia 2014
Who Pays for and Who Benefits from Improved Timber Harvesting Practices in the Tropics?: Lessons Learned and Information Gaps 2004
Who will bear the cost of REDD+?: Evidence from subnational REDD+ initiatives 2016
Why are forest areas relevant to reducing poverty in Indonesia? 2004
Why peatlands matter 2017
‘Wild Logging’:: The Rise and Fall of Logging Networks and Biodiversity Conservation Projects on Sumatra’s Rainforest Frontier 2000
Wildlife management and conservation in Vietnam: From policy to practice 2021
Willingness to participate in Payment for Mangrove Environmental Services: Maritime sector and shipping industry stakeholder perspectives 2021
Withering before full bloom?: Bioenergy in Southeast Asia 2012
Women, men and forest research: A review of approaches, resources and methods for addressing gender 2012
Woodfuel for urban centres in the Democratic Republic of Congo: The number one energy and forest product returns to the policy agenda 2011
Your Biosphere is My Backyard:: The Story of Bosawas in Nicaragua 2003
Zambia country profile: Monitoring, reporting and verification for REDD+ 2014
Zero deforestation and low emissions development: Public and private institutional arrangements under jurisdictional approaches 2017
Zero-deforestation commitments in Indonesia: Governance challenges 2015