Eagle Hill Institute Publisher Description

The Eagle Hill Institute (formerly the Humboldt Institute) is located on the eastern Maine coast and is perhaps best known for the advanced and professional-level natural history science field seminars it has offered since 1987. The Institute actively promotes collaboration in education, research, and publishing by working together with scientists from the United States, Canada, Europe, and Latin America. It publishes the Northeastern and Southeastern Naturalists, two natural history science journals for eastern North America. The Institute has a special interest in the legacy of Alexander von Humboldt, the most renowned natural scientist of the early 19th century. The Institute is working with the Eagle Hill Foundation in developing a retreat style study and meeting facility on the summit of Eagle Hill and in developing the Foundation's first journal, the Journal of the North Atlantic, focusing on peoples of the North Atlantic, their expansion into the region over time, and their interactions with their changing environment.

Journals in JSTOR from Eagle Hill Institute
3 Journals in JSTOR Date Range
Journal of the North Atlantic 2008 - 2020
Northeastern Naturalist 1997 - 2020
Maine Naturalist 1993 - 1995
Southeastern Naturalist 2002 - 2020