Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability Publisher Description

Established in 1885, the International Statistical Institute (ISI) is one of the oldest scientific associations operating in the modern world. Its success can be attributed to the increasing worldwide demand for professional statistical information, its leadership in the development of statistical methods and their application, and in the collective dedication of its members. Our influence can be seen in the improvements in information and analysis throughout the economic, social, biological and industrial sectors. Its industrial influence is evidenced in advanced statistical practises, resulting in improved quality assurance. The ISI is also proud of its continuing support of statistical progress in the developing world.

The ISI is composed of more than 2,000 individual elected members who are internationally recognised as the definitive leaders in the field of statistics. Its membership crosses all borders, representing more than 133 countries worldwide.

The Bernoulli Society became a Section of the ISI in 1975 as successor of the International Association for Statistics in the Physical Sciences, which was founded in 1961. The objectives of the Bernoulli Society are the advancement of probability and mathematical statistics in the widest sense, through: international contact and co-operation; the development of theoretical research and its application; the dissemination of knowledge inside and outside the circle of the workers in the field; the improvement of teaching methods at all levels. Efforts are made to overcome obstacles posed by geographical and economic conditions, currency problems or political restrictions. The Society's aim is to give mathematical statisticians and probabilists from all countries an equal opportunity to join in and benefit from the advantages of the mutual exchanges provided by the organisation and to eliminate existing barriers between statisticians or probabilists working in academic institutions and those employed in agricultural, medical, meteorological, industrial and similar institutions.

Journals in JSTOR from Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
Bernoulli 1995 - 2018