Latin American Literary Review Publisher Description

Latin American Literary Review Press was established in 1980 with the principal objective to familiarize readers outside the field with Latin American literature. It is directed by its founder, Dr. Yvetter Miller, professor of Spanish.

LALRP's emphasis has been on publishing translations of creative writing (Discovery series) and literary criticism (Exploration series). These were soon followed by bilingual Spanish/English editions of poetry. Publication of books of Spanish music began later, and young adult titles were first offered in 1989.

LALRP has always aimed for excellence in publishing, and has relied on a prestigious body of academic editors and distinguished and accomplished translators. Our books are ordered by booksellers, and public and university libraries throughout the world. The press receives financial support from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, and from various other institutions and private foundations.

Journals in JSTOR from Latin American Literary Review
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
Latin American Literary Review 1972 - 2023