Ohio Music Education Association Publisher Description
The Ohio Music Education Association (OMEA) is one of the largest state music education associations in the country and is a federated state affiliate of NAfME, The National Association for Music Education. OMEA advocates for comprehensive school programs in instrumental, choral, and general music education; focuses on state and national standards with assessment practices ensuring that students meet high academic expectations; and supports licensed teachers, adequate instructional time, and appropriate facilities/materials for music programs. To achieve this mission, OMEA promotes professional development for music teachers, works collaboratively with organizations and businesses, encourages programs for gifted, special needs, and pre-school children, and supports diversity and pluralism in music education. Further work includes identification of best practices for teaching music, adjudicated events that emphasize educational values and high achievement in school programs, encourages the use of technology and contemporary teaching approaches, and promotes life long participation and learning through music.
Journals in JSTOR from Ohio Music Education Association
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
Contributions to Music Education 1972 - 2022