Institut de Sociologie de l'Université de Bruxelles Publisher Description
The Institut de Sociologie is a research department of the Faculty of Social & Political Science (FSP) of the ULB. Since its creation in 1902, the Institute has developed its scientific research in response to three principles: the synergy between pure and applied research, interdisciplinarity and involvement with society. The Institute of Sociology’s internal structure and organization are the fruit of history dating back to over a century ago. The Institute enjoyed its own autonomy within the University for a long time, having the same status as that of a Faculty. In 2006, after a complete internal reform of the University’s organization, it was re-attached to the Faculty of Social and Political Science (SOCO) and since then remains one of its most important research centres, which has never lost its multidisciplinary structure. 
Journals in JSTOR from Institut de Sociologie de l'Université de Bruxelles
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
Civilisations 1951 - 2021