Honoré Vinck Publisher Description
The Centre Æquatoria is a research center, library, and collection of archives, specialized in the languages, cultures, and the (pre-colonial and colonial) history of sub-Saharan Africa, with special emphasis on the peoples of the central Congo basin. It is located on the premises of the Catholic mission station at Bamanya, a village some 10 kms out of Mbandaka, the capital city of the Equateur Province in the Democratic Republic of Congo.  The Library of the Centre Æquatoria holds a comprehensive collection of monographs and periodicals, all related to the Africanist fields mentioned above. It contains around 8,000 books in European languages, together with the complete sets of the major Africanist series. It also contains 252 ceased (about 3,500 volumes) and 60 current periodicals. The Æquatoria Archives are a voluminous collection of high historiographical importance. 
Journals in JSTOR from Honoré Vinck
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
Annales Aequatoria 1980 - 2009
Aequatoria 1937 - 1962