British School at Athens Publisher Description

The Annual is published by the British School at Athens, whose is to promote the study of Hellenic Studies in all their aspects, covering all periods from the Palaeolithic to the present. As a research institute, its principal emphasis remains empirical studies that shed light on the prehistoric, Classical and medieval past and present condition of Greek lands. These studies therefore include the anthropology, archaeology, archaeometry, art, architecture, environment, epigraphy, geography, geomorphology, history, language, literature, religion and topography of Greece and Cyprus. The School's secondary mission is to promote research more generally into the prehistoric, ancient and medieval Mediterranean.

Journals in JSTOR from British School at Athens
3 Journals in JSTOR Date Range
The Annual of the British School at Athens 1894 - 2020
British School at Athens Studies 1995 - 2014
The British School at Athens. Supplementary Volumes 1966 - 2020
The British School at Athens. Supplementary Papers 1923 - 1957