Institute of Ethiopian Studies Publisher Description
The roots of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies (IES) are traceable to the 1950s when it began as a repository of artifacts collected by scholars working with the Ethnological Society of the University College of Addis Ababa. The extensive collection of ethnographic objects was subsequently housed at the IES Museum for research purposes. At the same time important documents to found the library had also been collected. Since its official establishment in 1963, the Institute gradually evolved into a full-fledged research centre that facilitated scholarly works on Ethiopia. As such, the Institute has played an important role in conducting and promoting of research in social sciences and humanities. Moreover, through its unique Museum collection, it has helped conserve and display Ethiopia’s rich and diverse cultural heritages.
Journals in JSTOR from Institute of Ethiopian Studies
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
Journal of Ethiopian Studies 1963 - 2021
University College Review 1961