The Institute, Inc. Publisher Description
Jack R. Rollwagen, Ph. D. was the president of The Institute, Inc., a closely-held corporation in western New York State. Dr. Rollwagen founded the journal with the title Urban Anthropology in 1972 and has been the editor of that journal since that time. Dr. Rollwagen was a cultural anthropologist with interests in urban anthropology, visual anthropology, and World System analysis. His most recent research was a holistic ethnomusicological approach to the music of the Horqin Mongols of eastern Inner Mongolia, China. This research has resulted in the publication of a six volume DVD set titled Song Of The Grasslands: Ethnicity, Identity, Economic Development, Culture Change And Music Among The Horqin Mongols of Eastern Inner Mongolia, China. He also edited a multi-volume DVD set titled Life in an American Village. Dr. Rollwagen was the editor of two books on visual anthropology. He passed away in the summer of 2021 after a brief illness.
Journals in JSTOR from The Institute, Inc.
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development 1985 - 2020
Urban Anthropology 1972 - 1984