Michigan Sociological Association Publisher Description
The Michigan Sociological Association publishes the Michigan Sociological Review. The MSA seeks to (1) promote an exchange of ideas concerning, and (2) develop methods designed to promote, the following objectives: (a) to improve sociological thought within the academic environment, (b) to improve sociological thought and practice within the public and private sectors, (c) to encourage development and collaboration, (d) to encourage quality teaching and innovation, (e) to increase public awareness of the contribution of sociology, (f) to provide a vehicle whereby sociologists can network together for personal and professional growth. The MSA is a member of the National Council of State Sociological Associations and is recognized by the American Sociological Association as an Aligned Scholarly Association.
Journals in JSTOR from Michigan Sociological Association
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
Michigan Sociological Review 1978 - 2023
The Peninsular Papers 1975 - 1977