New Zealand Institute of International Affairs Publisher Description

The New Zealand Institute of International Affairs (NZIIA) is an independent, non-governmental organisation that seeks to encourage an understanding of the importance of global affairs to the political and economic well-being of New Zealand.

NZIIA fosters wider understanding of international issues, trading partnerships and relationships with other countries. It does this by creating a programme of events and initiatives that enable audiences to hear a range of speakers with various viewpoints. It hosts public addresses by visiting experts and dignitaries, roundtable events including Track II dialogues, and generates an annual conference. Branches around the country host a lively programme of events and the National Office has been hosting a range of events in both Wellington for some years and in Auckland over the last year.

Journals in JSTOR from New Zealand Institute of International Affairs
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
New Zealand International Review 1976 - 2020