Society for Ethnomusicology Publisher Description
The Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM) was founded in 1955 to promote the research, study, and performance of music in all historical periods and cultural contexts. SEM is a U.S.-based organization with an international membership of over 1800 individuals dedicated to the study of all forms of music from diverse humanistic and social scientific perspectives. We examine music as central to human experience throughout space and time, and explore its profound relationship to cognition, emotion, language, dance, visual arts, spiritual belief, social organization, collective identity, politics, conflict and peace, economics, the physical body, and mental health. Through SEM programs and the work of our individual members, we seek to advance academic and public understanding and appreciation of music as a cultural phenomenon of unlimited variety and as a resource that is fundamental to the wellbeing of individuals and communities.
Journals in JSTOR from Society for Ethnomusicology
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
Ethnomusicology 1953 - 2019