The Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines Publisher Description
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is unique in the United Kingdom in its concentration on teaching and research across the full range of the social, political and economic sciences. Founded in 1895 by Beatrice and Sidney Webb, the LSE is one of the largest colleges within the University of London and has an outstanding reputation for academic excellence nationally and internationally. The study of social, economic and political problems covers not only the United Kingdom and other countries within the European Union, but also countries of every continent.

There are currently nineteen active research centres and units at the School including The Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines (STICERD). STICERD was established in 1978 with funds donated by Suntory Limited and the (then) Toyota Motor Company Limited of Japan.

Journals in JSTOR from The Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
Economica 1921 - 2018