Tijdschrift voor Filosofie Publisher Description

The Tijdschrift voor Filosofie publishes thematic contributions in all areas of philosophy, articles on the history of philosophy, critical studies, descriptive bibliographies, reviews and chronicles. It is open to all trends of thinking and to the various fields of philosophy. It contains contributions written by philosophers from different countries and devotes special attention to the philosophical life in the Netherlands and Flanders. The Tijdschrift voor Filosofie publishes contributions in Dutch, English, French, German, and South African Dutch, all with an English abstract. Each contribution is double-blind peer reviewed by at least two experts from different universities.

Journals in JSTOR from Tijdschrift voor Filosofie
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 1962 - 2017
Tijdschrift voor Philosophie 1939 - 1961